Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Beer Of The Day: Backyard IPA

BOTD: Backyard IPA
Saugatuck Brewing (Saugatuck, MI)
( )

IPA, Session
4.5% ABV

"...a light body and an enormous hoppy burst of flavor."

Sez You.

OK. I'll admit, I like Big Flavor. Give me a Triple Imperial Whatzit and I'm probably happy, Barrel Age it and I'll stand in line at 3 a.m. for it.  That said, I occasionally like to grab a cold one during the day, after some yard work, as a snack, wash down lunch etc. etc. etc. and not need a nap.  A sessionable IPA? As a confirmed hophead, color me interested. If it can live up to the style.

Pours golden into a standard pint glass, with a slight haze, effervescent with a modest white head. Modest aroma, not potent in either the malt or hop direction, like a pilsner with a tad more hops.

Light mouthfeel consistent with the low gravity, somewhat dry with a touch of bitterness. 

Is it an IPA? Well, it has some IPA ingredients, but it's not meeting my IPA expectations. Perhaps I want to eat my cake and have it too. But in summary, I would have to say this of Backyard IPA:
Too hoppy for Lite people, and too lite for hoppy people.

I would recommend you pass it by and get a Founder's All-Day IPA,

My Rating: 3.25
Untappd: 3.54


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