BOTD: Barrel-Aged Amen!
Cahoots Brewery (Chicago, IL)\
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Barleywine; barrel-aged
11.1% ABV
Its two, two, two beers in one!
So what's with the Barleywine thing? If you've been reading this blog for a bit, you know I like higher gravity beers. A barleywine is simply two-beer's worth of ingredients boiled into one batch. The BJCP style guidelines says this, in terms more about the end result than the ingredients:
" A showcase of malty richness and complex, intense flavors. Chewy and rich in body, with
warming alcohol and a pleasant fruity or hoppy interest. When aged, it can take on port-like flavors. A wintertime sipper."
So we should expect rich, complex flavors. Chaoots says "this well-rounded beer was aged in bourbon barrels, which add sweet, complex notes to the flavor profile."
If your typical beer has the word "-lite" attached to it, this has become unbeerlike in flavor, mutated into some sort of hangover-inducing malt-infused nightmare. Call Uber now.
DISCLAIMER: I had a cold when I sampled this. Actual results may vary. No warranties, written or implied. Please refer to experienced service personnel. May contain BHA or BHT to preserve freshness.
Poured from a 22oz bomber into a goblet. Pours brown and cloudy, modest tan head, dissipating quickly (typical of stronger barrel-aged beers). Aroma is of malt sweetness, caramel-like in character, with Oaky overtones. Tastes of caramel, with a slight bitterness from the hops, medium bodied, it starts slightly sweet with a lingering, mildly bitter finish. Did not show as much barrel-aging character as I favor, but still a solid example of barrel-aged goodness. Pick one up at your local stockist and enjoy it with a friend.
My Rating: 4 / 5
Untappd: 3.84
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