Monday, March 5, 2018

Beer Of The Day: Bavarian Destroyer - "Do it!, Do it now!!!"

BOTD: Bavarian Destroyer
MyGrain Brewing (Joliet, IL)

Weizenbock; 8% ABV

"Just when it starts to get cold outside, The Bavarian Destroyer comes to town to heat things up! A beast of a beer, our flagship Weizenbock is brewed with a rich blend of European malts, a touch of traditional hops, and German yeast. The result is a smooth, satisfying beer, with notes of banana, vanilla, and clove."

Served in a snifter (as part of a flight). Pours very dark, with little head.

There are a number of good imported hefeweizens available these days, characterized by their light and spicy flavor, light golden hazy character. A refreshing summer brew. There are also any number s of doppelbocks available, with their strong ale character and corny (but required, at least in Germany) -ator names. This is both, and neither.

If a hefewiezen and a doppelbock had relations, this would be the product. Kudos to MyGrain for exploring a rare style, and executing it successfully. You get some of the expected hefe clove & spices with a darker, stronger malty character. It is not what you're used to, but I think you'll enjoy it.

And forgive me if I read the name of the beer but hear it in the voice of a famous Austrian-American. And now you will too......

My Rating: 4.0 / 5
Untappd: 3.68 / 5


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